We're currently waiting on a solid consensus on how to host a blog, but while we wait, we should collect ideas for what blog posts should discuss. Suggest your ideas here.
Below, submit one topic per answer. Each answer should also contain the list of users (potentially just one) who are willing to write the blog post. The topic should be something they can write at least 1000 words, and should be related to the site in some obvious way. The topic description can be anything from 1 sentence to an entire draft of the blog post.
Users should suggest ways to improve the topic of the post, as well as suggesting other related content that could be included in the post. If users agree that a specific topic should be a blog post, upvote the proposal. If not, downvote.
Every 2 weeks, starting from a date to be decided, the top voted answer will be turned into the latest blog post, edited down to a link to the post and deleted.
Discussion about these topics can be done on the CGCC Blog Chat.