In a discussion about SBCSs and other code pages, fractional byte counts were briefly brought up. I brought up our consensus that fractional byte programs are disallowed, and it was pointed out that the consensus does not disallow functions in languages with fractional byte code pages from having a fractional score.
Multiple languages with fractional byte counts have been developed recently, with the ones I'm aware of being Risky, HBL, and Nibbles. DLosc and I, who wrote two of those three, were both surprised by the fact that fractional byte functions currently seem to be allowed.
For languages with fractional byte code pages, such as half-byte code pages or huffman coding, should functions be allowed to be submitted without padding to a whole number of bytes?
Our current consensus seems to only apply to full programs, as it dicusses storing the program on the user's filesystem. However, since a function is only a part of a program, requiring padding to an integer byte count might not make as much sense. This question's mostly looking for a consensus for functions, but it would also be a good place to dicuss our consensus on full programs if anyone thinks that needs changing.
It might also be worth considering languages which don't even have a whole number of bits, such as ones which use trits. Currently we'd require writing an implementation of the language that represents the program with bytes, but if fractional byte counts are allowed, that might bring up the question of whether a 1 trit function could be \$\log_2(3)\$ bits.
What should our consensus be for fractional byte programs and functions?