EveryEvery otherother monthmonth someonesomeone expressesexpresses theirtheir (negative)(negative) feelingsfeelings aboutabout golfinggolfing languages.languages.
Here is how this usually goes: they complain that they don't enjoy golfing in the languages they know because some language specifically built for golfing (which looks like gibberish and which they can't read) outgolfs them by 80%. They optionally suggest banning golfing languages or allowing challenge authors to ban them. The community's response is that they should view challenges as a separate competition in each language, that there is no objective definition of "golfing language" (e.g. that J and APL would ruin the fun for them just as much) and that this has been discussed many times. Depending on the constructiveness of the question, it's either heavily up- or downvoted, but then either answered with the same arguments as usual or closed as a duplicate of the 5th-to-top meta question5th-to-top meta question.
Yes, there isn't much of a point in writing the same kind of answer to every of these questions, but closing them as a duplicate probably doesn't make the author feel like their concerns are being taken seriously. We're probably losing more of these users than we're retaining.
While it's easy for us to shrug off these questions with the usual arguments, the reality is some people are not enjoying themselves in this community even though they might really want to do some golfing in their favourite "normal" language. And I think that's really unfortunate, because golfing in Python or Java, say, can still be a ton of fun completely independently of whether someone has posted a 15-byte solution that looks like a collision between a head and a keyboard to the layman.
Golfing languages aren't going anywhere, and they provide a very interesting metagame many users in this community enjoy. And the users of this community are actually doing great work in this area — GolfScript seems verbose and clumsy in comparison with the "modern" golfing languages some of us have created. Hence, we need to find a way to accommodate people who don't want to participate with golfing languages despite the fact that they'll never "win".
So: How can can we deal constructively with these concerns in the future? How can we ensure that users feel welcome if they have trouble enjoying themselves next to the large number of answers we get in golfing languages?