#Draw me a Brick Wall!
I'm drawing up a plan for my house extension - and I need a simple graphic for walls...
#The Challenge
Your task is to create a program, which takes an input of the wall's dimensions and draws a brick wall, in the style of the one below.
Please notice that the rows alternate between beginning on a full brick ([__]
) and a half brick (_]
), to create a more realistic, stable wall.
The input will be two integers, separated by a single comma, such as 4,3
or 2,6
. You can assume both integers are positive and larger than 0.
The first integer specifies the width (in bricks) and the second specifies the height (in rows of bricks).
#Rules / Notes
- This is code-golf, so the shortest code (in bytes) wins. However, don't feel like you have to beat everyone else to post your solution - I'd love to see your code!
- Standard loopholes apply, no reading from external files.
- You may optionally take the input with brackets/braces, for example
as long as you specify this in your answer. - You should take the input from STDIN and output on STDOUT - if your language does not have these, please use the nearest equivalent.
##Test Cases
Input: 1,1
Input: 2,4
Input: 5,10
#Example: Python 3, 65 bytes
This is somewhat golfed but still readable.
for i in range(h):print(('[__]','_][_')[i%2]*w)