#ASCII addition
Given two strings, your job is to:
- Convert each character to their respective ASCII decimal value
- Concatenate the numbers into one large number
- Add these values together
- Output asGet the ASCII characters by taking pairsrepresented of each pair of numbers leavingstarting from the right (or if there are not enough numbers, take a number alone)
- Leave unprintables (ie not in the range 32 - 126), and output the rest
An example for HELLO
H E L L O + W O R L D
7269767679 + 8779827668
1 60 49 59 53 47 (separated to show ASCII conversion easily)
< 1 ; 5 / convert to ASCII by converting pairs to their respective characters (note: you start from the last pair)
<1;5/ output (note there is no 0x01)
- Each string will be a maximum of 6 characters long
- Input will always contain readable ASCII characters
- You have to take pairs of numbers from the end of the sum and convert each one of them to ASCII
- You must not print unreadable characters if their values appear and instead skip them
ABC + XYZ //input
656667 + 888990
1 54 56 57
6 8 9 //again 0x01 is left out
689 //output
- Your submission can be either a program or a function
This is code-golf so the program with the shortest bytecount wins!
#Sandbox Questions
- Are the specs clear enough?
Will this question give me hats?- Any better title suggestions?