In terms of halloween, some things are just too spooky for me... Feel like we need some serious doots from skeletons to fuel our hallowed weens. So, in the spirit of that end, print the following, exactly as it is shown, if and only if the input does not equal "DOOT" (in all caps ONLY):
.' '.
:) (:
\ (@) (@) /
\ A /
) (
/ ':-(_.-: :-._)-:' \
/ /' (__.-: :-.__) '\ \
/ / (___.-' '-.___) \ \
/ / (___.-'^'-.___) \ \
/ / (___.-'='-.___) \ \
/ / (____.'='.____) \ \
/ / (___.'='.___) \ \
(_.: '---'.=.'---' :._)
:|| __ _.=._ __ ||:
:|| ( '.-.=.-.' ) ||:
:|| \ '.=.' / ||:
:|| \ .=. / ||:
:|| .-'.'-._.-'.'-. ||:
.:::\ ( ,): O O :(, ) /:::.
|||| ' / /''--'--''\ \ ' ||||
'''' / / \ \ ''''
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/.' '.\
(_)' '(_)
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
///) (\\\
,///' '\\\,
///' '\\\
""' '""
However, if the input DOES equal "DOOT", in all caps only, print this instead:
.' '.
:) (:
\ (@) (@) /
\ A /
) (
'._.' ' '''' _''|
.=. @=====***===::_ |
.---._.-.=.-._.---. (( \-@|_) )) `.|
/ ':-(_.-: :-._)-:' \ ]--------'"
/ /' (__.-: :-.__) '\ \ ||:
/ / (___.-' '-.___) \ \ ||:
/ / (___.-'^'-.___) \ \ ||:
/ / (___.-'='-.___) \ \||:
/ / (____.'='.____) \ ||:
/ / (___.'='.___) \||:
(_.: '---'.=.'---' :._)
:|| __ _.=._ __
:|| ( '.-.=.-.' )
:|| \ '.=.' /
:|| \ .=. /
:|| .-'.'-._.-'.'-.
.:::\ ( ,): O O :(, )
|||| ' / /''--'--''\ \
'''' / / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
/.' '.\
(_)' '(_)
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
\\. .//
///) (\\\
,///' '\\\,
///' '\\\
""' '""