Rookie of the Year - Answers
For the best answer by someone who hasn't submitted an answer prior to 2017 (i.e., not necessarily a new user, but just someone who's a new answer writer).
Build a fewest-moves freecell solver By Christopher 2EZ 4RTZ
I know this was also nominated by me but it fits in both categories. My first answer was back on January 24th and I really fell in love with this site. I bet other people will have better choices but what is the fun without a little chance!
Output with the same length of the code aka Segmentation Fault, MD XF
Well, it was my 14th answer on this site (all in 2017) and the first to get more than two votes. I repcapped about 3 times from this answer and it became a PPCG meme, which was fueled when I got another 56 upvotes for a seg-fault.
When do I get my sandwich? by Jonathan Frech
Nominated by plannapus
Could be a good candidate for Kansas City Shuffle as well. Original, unexpected way to solve the challenge, great explanation and alternative solutions make for a great answer.
Letter, Number, Symbol, Space, Repeat by Ørjan Johansen
Nominated by H.PWiz
This is the user's first submission to the site. It answers a restricted source challenge that was previously thought to be unsolvable in a conventional language. Ørjan, however was able to answer in Haskell. Overall, it is a fantastic answer and exhibits some truly obfuscated Haskell.
This was my first in-depth answer to a non-trivial challenge. I spent a lot of time on it and felt pretty good about it. It was later golfed on, but it was still quite difficult and took a lot of effort.
##Display random colored pixels by BradC
Display random colored pixels by BradC
My first posted answer, solved using Minecraft redstone/command blocks. High bit count, but complete with detailed pictures and descriptions, and even an accompanying YouTube video and downloadable NBT file if you want to reproduce. I haven't attempted another Minecraft answer since.
##In Honor of Adam West by Uriel
In Honor of Adam West by Uriel
One of my earlier answers, that caught way much attention than expected. Getting to the challenge after most answers were already quite short, and having my history with memorial challenges, I figured one made out of the memorated's name could cause no harm. The west is history.