Cliquish Program
Challenge: Write a program that accepts a charactercharacter (or byte, see additional information) as input. Then:
- If the character is contained within the source code, output a different character also in your source code.
- If the character is not contained within the source code, output a different character also not in your source code.
This is a code-golf, so the shortest program (in bytes) wins.
Additional Information
- Your program must consist of at least 2 distinct characters.
- Your program must have at least 2 possible outputs.
- Your program does not have to be deterministic; it may output a character at random (with any distribution), so long as it conforms to the above criteria.
- Your program may optionally take a bytebyte as input instead of characters. If you do, the code page the input is written in must contain at least each distinct byte in the source code, as well as at least two different bytes not in the source code.
- You may take input and give output in any reasonable way. For example, you may take input as a function parameter, a command-line argument, a line from STDIN, a triple-nested array containing a single character, etc. You could output via return value, STDOUT, exit code (if applicable), fax output, etc. The input and output formats must be consistent, however.
- Your output can only consist of the required character, optionally followed by one trailing newline. Prompt information (such as
ans =
) is exempt from this rule; such unpreventable output is acceptable.