Implement the "Wolontis" Function
While looking at old ALGOL documentation with someone else on Discord, this "famous" function popped up:
Although it’s mentioned in other language manuals of the era, such as Runcible and FORTRAN, we haven't managed to find any references to this function online — so let's change that.
The expression in the image is \$\frac{\sin x}{\sqrt{1-e^{-x^3}}}\$. Your task is to implement this function for positive inputs, as its value is undefined at \$x=0\$ and imaginary for negative \$x\$. Floating-point inaccuracies are permitted.
Sandbox questions
- How accurate/precise should answers be required to be?
- What other tags should I add?
- Any other information I should include? e.g. would a graph be helpful?