#Flit - a simple board game for bots
Flit - a simple board game for bots
###Neutral pieces
Neutral pieces
Available: An available square is an empty square that has 4 empty neighbours
###Players ThereThere are 4 bots competing in each game. Bots are numbered 1 to 4 and take turns in that fixed order.
###Board TheThe board is a 32 by 32 square grid. It wraps toroidally - every square has 4 neighbours. The board has no boundaries - no edges or corners to give an advantage.
Initial state
###Initial state ForFor each bot, one piece will be placed on a square chosen uniformly from the available squares. After all first pieces have been placed, a second piece will be placed for each bot in the same way. The initial state contains no neutral pieces.
Addition of neutral pieces
###Addition of neutral pieces EachEach turn one bot will move. After that move has been made, the addition of a new neutral piece will be considered. A square will be selected at random. If that square is available then a neutral piece will be placed on it with probability 1/16. If the square is unavailable then play continues - a second square will not be selected. [This differs from the human playable version linked above: there a list is kept of all available squares and a neutral piece is placed on one of those with probability 1/6 each turn - I now prefer this approach so the rate of new neutral pieces does not slow in the end game]
###Bot STDIN AllAll received messages will be terminated by a newline. Each bot will receive messages of two types: an update or a move request
x y c
where (x, y) is the square to be updated, and c is the new colour (which may be 0 for empty, 1, 2, 3 or 4 for a bot colour, or 5 for neutral).
Move request:
where M is the literal string "M" and indicates that a move is required.
###Bot STDOUT TheThe response must be terminated by a newline. A bot responds with a move in the following format:
x0 y0 x1 y1
where (x0, y0) is the origin square, and (x1, y1) is the destination square.
If origin and destination are identical, no move will be made. This is valid and does not lead to the bot being penalised. The bot will only be penalised if it fails to respond within the time limit.
Time limit
###Time limit TheThe time limit is 50ms. If a bot exceeds the time limit on 5 consecutive turns then it will no longer be prompted for moves. That bot will be frozen for the rest of the game.
Winning criterion
###Winning criterion TheThe winner is the bot with the most pieces when the game ends. There is no reward for second place. If two bots tie for first place, neither is rewarded.
The game ends when one of the following conditions is met:
- the total number of turns taken exceeds 32,768 (8,192 per bot)
- all 4 bots choose not to move consecutively
- one bot has too many pieces to catch up with
Too many pieces to catch up with is defined as follows:
- A, B and C are the numbers of pieces of the other 3 bots.
- D is the number of pieces of the bot in question.
- N is the number of neutral pieces.
- E is the number of empty squares.
- P is the number of potential neutral pieces. P = N + E - 4
- M is the maximum number of pieces attainable by A, B or C.
- M = Max(A+P, B+P, C+P)
- If D > M then the bot has too many pieces to catch up with.