How are new users supposed to start participating on this site?
With a reputation of 1 I am unable to answer questions(says I need rep of 5), unable to add a comment to help a question/answer in the topics I would like to and unable to ask questions on various parts of the site.
This seems to make it impossible for new users to gain the reputation to be able to participate in the first place. I wasn't even able to post a question in the meta section(where I think this question should have been posted instead, please correct me if im wrong).
In order to gain the first 5 rep it seems that new users can either create new questions in the general sections (some sections such as meta have minimum requirements) and have it upvoted or answer questions that do notsuggest edits and have them accepted.
It seems a minimum of 5 rep requirement and having the answer upvoted or chosen. I am unsure howis required to tell whichanswer questions have minimum requirements but it seems those that do simply don't havein the postcodegolf section as I receive the message "You must have at least 5 reputation on Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange to answer buttona question."
I would answer my own question but it won't let me for another 8h as I have less than 10 rep.
If someone else has a fuller answer before that time I will accept the answer, otherwise I will answer it once the timer expires.