4 reopen votes and 1 delete vote is a strange thing to see. It's also slightly worrying that we have so little consensus on this matter. So let's bring the community together.
What kind of non-challenge questions do we want?
Each answer will contain one type of non-challenge question, some examples, and arguments for and against it.
- Please vote up the answers that you think should be on the site, and vote down the ones that you are strongly opposed to.
- The answers are Community Wiki, so please feel free to edit them if you have something to add! If you have any new pros and cons of allowing that type of question on the site, add them to the list!
- If you feel that the answers do not cover all possible non-challenge questions that can be asked, add a new answer! (Make it CW so that others can edit.)
Also please note that this is not a definitive decision and it may change over time as we gather more experience.
As to whether we even want non-challenge questions or not, the consensus is clear. As Grace Note said, "The invention of a new puzzle type, and perhaps continued innovation in that department, helps a lot." New ideas can be beneficial to the health of the site as a whole, so please vote for what you think will help the growth of the PPCG community the most.
tag? \$\endgroup\$tips
tag already exists. Looks like we just need a few more to confirm the acceptability of various types of question. \$\endgroup\$