You may have noticed that the site got a bit less blue today!
Thank you so much for your input over the last few weeks. This has been a great process and I really hope you like your new theme. We took your very helpful feedback and made some adjustments
- Reworked the logo to look more like a medal
- Addressed concerns about legibility for the site name when presented on a textured background
- Changed the text used in the banner to be more representative of Code Golfing
- Adjusted the colors of the links & tags to fit the theme better
In addition, we've customized your Chat theme and Twitter account and if you get the newsletter, you'll see a change there, too. If you're noticing your privileges have changed, they've been updated to the higher levels.
Oh, and you're now officially just "Code Golf". The site name in the site switcher, footer, and full site list has been updated to reflect that decision.
If you see any design bugs that need squishing, please let us know!
Thanks so much to everyone who helped and gave feedback and thanks to Lisa for her work on this design.
Thanks for your feedback! I've compiled this for Lisa to review and work on.