Comparing the vote tallies on Proposal to lock the Language Showcase as historically significant before and after the Showcase of Languages was closed and locked leads me to the following conclusion.
The community agrees the showcase is not an optimal solution. While it is the best/only thing of its kind on PPCG, there are issues that can and should be addressed.
The community agrees in principle that the showcase is too broad by our current standards.
The community does not want the showcase closed and/or locked.
Going by the rules, points 2. and 3. are contradictory, but exceptions for highly popular and useful resources that already exist and the community wants to keep updating are not unheard of. For example, after getting closed, reopened, protected, unprotected, locked, and unlocked more times than I can be bothered to count, The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List finally settled on a special kind of lock (Wiki Answer) that combines all answers into one, prevents adding additional answers, but neither closes the question nor makes the answer uneditable.
While we cannot do the exactly the same for the showcase (combining all answers into one would create a ton of issues and solve none), we could still create an exception that fits our case. By this, I don't mean simply ignoring any issues with the showcase being a PPCG challenge and the showcase itself, but coming to a consensus what this exception should cover, and how we can at least partially address those issues for the benefit of the site, the showcase, and the community.
For reference, these are some of the issues that surged. Note that not all of them are considered issues by all (or even a majority of the) members of our community.
By our current standards, the showcase is too broad to be a popularity-contest.
The showcase isn't really a programming competition, but a way of showing off features of programming languages. There is no problem to be solved and no sensible way to compare answers.
The one vote at a time aspect slows down and hinders the addition of snippets. Verbose languages may need a substantial amount of upvotes before they can do anything interesting. Not being able to do something interesting may mean these upvotes will never come.
Answers are owned by a single member of the community, the challenge explicitly discourages creating more than one answer for a single language, and editing/adding code to another user's answer is frowned upon.
Many answers are quite long. Some are huge. The high amount of pictures makes the first pages (by votes) a strain for slow internet connections and limited data plans. The question itself is pretty big and contains a directory that is updated manually.
Answers are capped at 30,000 characters. If we manage to get more useful additions to the top answers, that will become a problem.
So, can we agree on making a clearly defined exception for the showcase? If so, what should be the terms of that exception?