One of the more popular suggestions from We're not a Q&A site. But what should be done about it? was to improve the wording of the bounty reasons or maybe change some of them altogether. We've been asked to flesh this out in a separate feature request so that SE can look into whether they'll make these changes for us.
So you don't have to follow the link above, here is the relevant part of the body of that proposal:
When starting a bounty, people here almost always use either "reward an existing answer" or "draw attention", occasionally "improve details". That's because none of the others make any sense here (and the descriptions of these could also be improved):
- "Authoritative reference needed Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources." This is simply not a thing here.
- "Canonical answer required The question is widely applicable to a large audience. A detailed canonical answer is required to address all the concerns." For challenges this doesn't make any sense either. It might be useful for the odd question about golfing tips, but that can probably be covered with "improve details".
- "Current answers are outdated The current answer(s) are out-of-date and require revision given recent changes." Not a thing here - with our current rules, new languages/features aren't even allowed to be used.
- "Draw attention This question has not received enough attention." Yep, this works. (Although I'd rather read "challenge" in that sentence.)
- "Improve details The current answers do not contain enough detail." The idea of this works in a broad sense, but we're not really looking for "detail" in answers here. Maybe this could be reworked into a bounty reason to improve the score (overall winner, or language-specific solutions).
- "Reward existing answer One or more of the answers is exemplary and worthy of an additional bounty." This works verbatim. :)
We could also think about whether we could use other bounty reasons here. E.g. bounties are often offered for bonus/side challenges. Maybe we could get a specific bounty reason for that?
So this post is here to discuss what bounty reasons we could really use and how they should be worded. There are of course several parts to this discussion, but it will be easier to keep everything in one place. Hence, I would suggest limiting answers to suggestions for one of the bounty reasons, so that the votes can more accurately show which suggestions have the community's support and which ones don't.
I assume that answers will fall into three categories:
- Suggestions for rewording one of the existing bounty reasons.
- Suggestions for removing one of the reasons completely. This should only be done if we really have no use for it, because this will be a fairly permanent change.
- Suggestions for adding a new reason. If we get any of these at all, we should probably make a strong case that we'll actually need this quite regularly and that it isn't just a special case of the other reasons.