I know that betting reputation is strongly against the aim of this site.
I propose a guessing game on Codegolf (without betting reputation).
It might work in this way: after a challenge has been posted and before the first answer is given each user could try to guess which language will have the shortest code after (say) one week.
Since betting reputation is out of question, there could be a sort of scoring specific for this, with hats, pins, badges or other rewards of this kind for those who guess the language that will score the shortest code.
I noticed that in CodeGolf the ratio of page views/nr of answers is high, so I suppose that many people just lurk (I do not think that users go there looking for answers to "practical" questions). I follow sometimes the golfing to learn algorithms or tricks in Js/C# or other mainstream languages, even if those languages rarely win.
It would be a way to be somewhat active in golf for those users who follow it but for any reason do not actively try to give answers. Moreover, to make a good guess some thinking is required considering the peculiar needs of the challenge and advantages of different languages in meeting those needs.