I'm referring to this question: Tips for golfing in Befunge 93
It's currently closed as a duplicate of "Tips for golfing in Befunge 98", but they're really not the same language - they're probably about as similar as C and C++. While there's obviously a fair amount of overlap, more than half of the current Befunge 98 tips are specific to 98. And there'd almost certainly be tips that were specific to Befunge 93, if only there were some place to post them.
That said, I'd be OK with the two questions remaining merged if we could at least change the title of the question to remove the reference to "98". And ideally the answers that are specific to Befunge-98 should also be marked as such. However, that solution was already proposed nearly four years ago, and nothing has been done about it, so it looks like the original poster is just not willing to go that route.
So what's the next step?
- Do I make the changes to all the posts myself and risk an edit war with the original author?
- Do I leave things as they are and just not post tips for Befunge-93?
- Or can we possibly consider reopening the "Tips for golfing in Befunge 93" topic and treat them as separate languages?