Related: How can new users use the sandbox?
I have been seeing a LOT of questions lately that seem to follow the same general pattern:
- Posted by a new user
- Have a generally difficult or non-challenging puzzle, or being too broad or too specific
- Have an ill-defined problem and an ill-defined winning criterion (e.g. undefined bonuses)
- And have all of the challenge tags (popularity-contest, code-golf, code-challenge, puzzle, code-trolling)
These questions almost immediately get downvotes, close votes, delete votes, and little feedback on why the question was wrong. I think the new users are not reading "How to ask", and that this is making our site look bad. Does anyone have input on how we could encourage new users to read "How to ask" and maybe let them use the sandbox (see link above)?.
Oh, and for people with lots of rep, here is an example