This question has an interesting property, in that judging a winner is dependent on unknown data:
This is actually not an uncommon way of things working in puzzle-space. In programming competitions, you often are given simple test data and then you submit your program to a server where it is run against some kind of pathological data which you are not given in advance.
But if a winner is to be declared, there is a question of when and how that data will be disclosed. It introduces a factor of timing into it such that no entry can be accepted after the revelation point.
Does such a question with an undisclosed winning condition deserve its own tag? Should there be a rule that once a winner is declared, the test data be published, and no answers accepted after that point?
, but that question threw oncode-golf
. My suggestion was that if the test data is not given up front, and performance against undisclosed test data is your winning criterion, you don't use thecode-golf
tag (which that question does, ATM) Code golfing is a very particular type of puzzle, and I don't think it makes sense to do it against a problem with incomplete constraints. \$\endgroup\$time-sensitive
is the sort of thing I'm thinking. \$\endgroup\$