A day or two ago, the following question was posted:
It was about translating leetspeak into regular English. However, since there was no objective winning criterion, the question was quickly downvoted and put on hold. Eventually, the asker added a vague criterion "shortest program that can translate the largest number of leet words wins". They were asked repeatedly in the comments to add something objective, but didn't do so and responded with curses and abuse along the lines of "you're high-rep users and admins, all you ever do is kill with flame, that's what you do for fun". Eventually the asker, who was a new user and had 1 rep, voluntarily deleted the question.
I am convinced that, had there been an objective winning criterion (my personal suggestion is [leet supported from a list]/[code length]
, highest score wins, code-challenge), this could have been a good and popular question.
Can I post a similar, amended question in the sandbox to be reviewed? Would posting a similar question infringe the rights of the original asker?
I can't remember the asker's exact username, it might have been something like N???? M.