So last question that I posted. i.e : this, I wanted to ask because a specific new user whom I have warned almost on all answer he has posted (5-6) was not following, yet he keeps answering with snippets and won't even reply to to comments.
So far 2 of his/her answers (they were on my challenges), I have had them deleted by voting. I am curious on what the mod take on that is ?
Are users allowed to continuously keep posting rubbish answers to challenges and we keep deleting them. All answers he posted ended in the low quality review (I know that since I reviewed most of 'em) and I am getting tired of telling him that.
I would like to know any policy on that or should I simply let him answer and mark his answers as ok on the low quality post queues ?
User's name and profile not linked since I have no right to do that.
innocent until proven guilty
rule applies