Best Above-and-Beyond Answer
Repost of last year's
Every once in a while, an answer takes the challenge to the extreme. This prize will be awarded to an answer which went far beyond the expectations of the challenge. This could include a code golf answer that brute-forced/proved the shortest program in some language
a graphical-output popcon answer of extreme size and quality
a KOTH answer of high complexity which absolutely dominated the competition
I (@KevinCruijssen) nominate @KrzysztofSzewczyk's Malbolge answer here. To quote the Malbolge docs themselves:
The day that someone writes, in Malbolge, a program that simply copies its input to it's output, is the day my hair spontaneously turns green. It's the day that elephants are purple and camels fly, and a cow can fit through a needle's eye.
And what @KrzysztofSzewczyk does in the DDoouubbllee ssppeeaakk!! challenge is at least double (pun intended) as impressive and insane, thus worthy of being nominated here.
I (@user41805) nominate Deadcode's ECMAScript regex (+ molecular lookahead) answer to the divide input by the square root of 2 challenge. Quoting the first line of the submission,
Regex was never designed to do mathematics. It has no concept of arithmetic.
I (@Lyxal) nominate another one of @KrzysztofSzewczyk's Malbolge answers here. Even though it may seem like it was written in Polish ("When I opened your program, Chrome attempted to translate it from Polish" -- quote from a comment on the answer), this 362MB answer has stuck with me all year as one of my favourites. I've known right from when I saw it that I would nominate it for a best of CGCC category.
Sure, it's over 20 million times longer than the winning Jelly answer, but for such a volatile language such as Malbolge competing in such a task as theoretically diving numbers by 0, I'd say it deserves a nomination.
To quote the last line in the answer:
It's working!
I (@a'_') nominate one of @KrzysztofSzewczyk's Seed answers here. A comment has once been posted in "Tips for golfing in Seed" along the lines of
... There are only two people who know how to golf in Seed, and both of them decided to not share their tips ...
Krzysztof knowing how to golf in Seed is unique and supernatural, with no one else other than feersum knowing how to golf in it, since it involves reverse-engineering the Merseene twister; thus the answer is worthy of being nominated here.