#1\overset{\LARGE\backslash}{\phantom{.}}\overset{\Large #2}{\phantom{l}}
(this is not really an answer, rather it's a way to show what else can be done if the consensus is that it is not allowed), given the current situation that people don't like for some reasons (*); personally I think that even if some people don't like it, it causes no harm (unlike what would happen if challenges without winning criteria are posted) and doesn't have any reason to be prohibited)
Assume that in the original challenge, there are two positive-integer scores A and B, which should be minimized, and in a reasonable program, they both does not exceed some easy-to-calculate threshold -- in the example above, 5 is used.
Solution 1
Parametrize the solution space. For example, programs have to minimize A+2B.
This is not very interesting, because there can be interesting solutions that trades A for very good B, or vice versa.
Solution 2
Assume that if a solution with a score (A, B) is possible, then (A+1, B) and (A, B+1) are both possible. (i.e., smaller scores are strictly better)
Assume that someone have a solution with score (4, 2). So the solution can be represented with this table
\slash{A}{B} & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
1 & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx \\
2 & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx \\
3 & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx \\
4 & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
5 & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
Where \$\xx\$ denotes impossible scores, \$\oo\$ denotes possible scores.
Obviously, better solutions have less \$\xx\$. So let the score of a submission to be the number of \$\xx\$ in the table, assume that both coordinates are constructed from 1 to 5. The score of this solution would be 17.
Now assume that someone else have another solution with score (2, 3). The table would be:
\slash{A}{B} & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
1 & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx \\
2 & \xx & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
3 & \xx & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
4 & \xx & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
5 & \xx & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
and the final score would be 13.
Observe that both answers can be combined:
\slash{A}{B} & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\
1 & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx & \xx \\
2 & \xx & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
3 & \xx & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
4 & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
5 & \xx & \oo & \oo & \oo & \oo \\
and it results in a better score, 11.
This is a simple relatively-efficient implementation of the score calculation algorithm: Try it online! (input format: first line: dimension of the board, remaining lines: the reachable points, any format is accepted)
Of course, with this, the score of the answers posted later will always be strictly better than the score of the older answers. Nevertheless, it still encourages creativity (to find good answers), the same thing as what winning criteria does.
Besides, we already have answer-chaining.
(*): nobody who downvoted left any comment.
(L, E) -> 2*L+E
which determines which one is better if one has better L and worse E and another has better E and worse L; \$\endgroup\$given an existing "winning" solution, one can tweak a little bit and post another "winning" solution
this always happen when porting others' answer to different language \$\endgroup\$