Note: The Fortnightly Challenges™ are currently on hiatus. Please continue adding and voting on theme proposals. The challenges will be picked up again at some point in the summer once enough new ideas have been gathered (and the fatigue from the previous challenges has faded a bit :)).
This is a collection of ideas for the theme of the fortnightly challenges. Here's how it works:
Every other week on Friday, we choose the top voted answer here to be the theme for next two weeks' Fortnightly Challenge. (The winning answer is also deleted. Themes can be used more than once, although having duplicate themes in a short period of time would get quite boring.)
At the same time, all answers scored -3 or below are deleted, and all answers that have been posted for 8 weeks or more are also deleted, to reduce clutter.
After picking the theme, the actual challenge is written on the following week (while the next theme is picked) and posted at the end of the week.
So, the schedule will look like this:
- ...
- Jan 9: Pick theme for challenge #3
- Jan 9 - Jan 23: Write challenge #3, pick theme for challenge #4
- Jan 23 - Feb 6: Write challenge #4, pick theme for challenge #5
- Feb 6 - Feb 20: Write challenge #5, pick theme for challenge #6
- ...
Here's a history of all the weekly challenges we've done so far:
Date | Theme and link -------------+---------------- Dec 19 2014 | Audio Processing (chatroom) Jan 2 2014 | Translation (chatroom) Jan 9 2015 | Genetic Algorithms (chatroom) Jan 23 2015 | Data Structures (chatroom) Feb 6 2015 | Wireworld (chatroom) Feb 20 2015 | Language Design (chatroom) Mar 6 2015 | Lego (chatroom) Mar 20 2015 | Asynchronous KotH (chatroom) TBD | TBD