Calvin's Hobbies posted on Mother Meta about increasing the character limit for posts across the Stack Exchange network. This answer shows that it is possible to increase the limit from the standard 30,000 characters for individual SE sites, and this has already been doubled for Code Review.
To allow questions to have both a comprehensive spec and description, plus a substantial Stack Snippet, should we increase the character limit for PPCG? Would doubling the limit work for us too, or is there a reason to have more still?
Examples where both spec golfing and controller golfing were required due to the 30,000 character limit:
- Red vs. Blue - Pixel Team Battlebots (29721 characters)
- Block Building Bot Flocks! (29977 characters)
<script src="external.js"></script>
in the code snippet - it's still run on the page. \$\endgroup\$