I agree that is has been overstretched. People are quick to try to mimic a successful thread, but don't have the "inspiration" required to write a good puzzle. To be more specific, they are deciding to write a code-trolling puzzle before deciding what the puzzle is going to be about.
This is not to say that code-trolling is a bad concept, just that mimic questions (which always come after a success) tend to have less ingenuity. That, and the sheer number of them gets annoying.
Now, I think this is a temporary problem which will go away in a few days. Between now and then, however, we can simply downvote/close any particularly bad ideas.
Also, there are now tons of new members who are not accustomed to this site. They don't have a good "feel" for what makes a good question, which can cause problems. This is an opportunity to educate and recruit!