Language idea for golfing purposes is a very interesting question with very interesting answers.
While retagging the two non-closed questions tagged golfing-language per Retire [golfing-language]?, I found this question. It opens with:
This question is probably not on-topic. If a moderator feels that it should be that way, turn this question into community wiki please.
It was made CW just 7 hours after it was posted, which seems to support my theory that it's not on topic within the scope defined in the help center. If you feel it is, kindly DV this post and leave a comment describing your opinion.
Assuming the previous is accepted as true, The question was put on hold as a result.
I (still) think this is a valuable question which may be helpful to future visitors / users, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so [people should] not use it as evidence that [they] can ask similar questions here.
Does that sound like a piece of text we all know well? yes
If this question is worthy of closure as off-topic (hint: it is), then I would like to propose it be locked as well, to prevent reopening, possible deletion, and because it is important and shouldn't be thrown away with the other closed questions.