Note: This question is mainly about closed questions that haven't received any answers. Questions with answers should potentially be treated differently.
First the numbers:
- 226 questions are closed as duplicates (including questions with answers)
- 71 questions are closed as duplicates (not including questions with answers)
- 37 have a score of zero or less
- 47 have a score of one or less
- 63 are more than one month old
- 37 are more than one year old
Closed questions (not duplicates):
- 434 questions are closed, but are not duplicates (including questions with answers)
- 70 questions are closed, but are not duplicates (not including questions with answers)
- 5 have a score of zero of less
- 27 have a score of 1 or less
- 64 are more than one month old
- 39 are more than one year old
Closed questions (not duplicates) with zero or negative score get deleted fast. Hurray! Duplicate questions with zero or negative score tend to stick around a bit longer. Many positive scoring questions are kept, even though they have been closed for quite some time.
In my opinion, most of these should be deleted.
Negative scoring closed questions get deleted already. But what about the duplicates? And what about closed questions with a few positive votes?
Is there a reason for keeping them around, or should we delete them if they're older than, for instance, a month?
Maybe there are some exceptions that should be kept even if they're closed.