The current tag info of the popularity-contest is outdated and needs to be replaced/improved as we now have much clearer notions of what a pop-con is compared to the time of creation. From the recent discussions (links below) we can conclude that
- a pop-con needs an objective validity criterion
- the tag-info currently does not sufficiently communicate what a good pop-con should (not) be
- popularity contest should produce answers that people like (as this is what people vote on) therefore voting guidelines are for the most part useless
Please submit your drafts for a new tag description that do consider these points.
The mentioned discussions:
"should produce answers that people like ... therefore voting guidelines are ... useless"
. For example, for the dithering challenge I would want to upvote a solution with excellent performance on the standard example image before a solution with an arbitrary image chosen that happens to be cute (even if compliant). \$\endgroup\$