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Ok, I just tried solving Finding subpalindromes where input and output are given in a sort of haphazardly fashion. In particular, it isn't obvious whether input is given without or with the quotes and whether output must be in exactly the formst given or whether that's all just convenience notation to show where strings start and end. In my own task I tried specifying both input and output in great detail which arguable takes more space but (imho) makes the task clearer.
That's just one example, but any task where details need to be asked before being able to solve it accurately might need a bit work beforehand, I think.
So, generally, what I'd like to see for Golf tasks would be:
- A description of what the solution is supposed to do.
- A specification how input is provided and in what format. E.g. whether input is provided on stdin or as argument to a subroutine. It's ok if there are exceptions and concessions for languages without stdin.
- A specification how output is provided and formatted. Same as above.
- A clear winning condition (we had that already in another question; just for completeness here), such as shortest code.
- A list of disallowed techniques or languages (as much as I don't particularly like that, some may deem it necessary and crying »Golfscript wasn't allowed; I'll change the question.« after a solution in Golfscript was posted isn't going to help, I guess). Of course, some common sense applies. Answers such as this answer on 99 bottles of beer don't have to be explicitly ruled out, I guess.
Of course, a reasonably complex task at hand may provoke questions not anticipated but those often cover specifics of the task, not technicalities of the solutions or the execution environment. What I'd want to avoid is that every task has the same questions as comments underneath that ask for how input or output should be provided, &c.
Thoughts? Did I miss something important? Am I trying to impose too many rules on how this should work?