We have a very active chat room. Many users actively participate in TNB without even participating in PPCG. It's also the best way to be introduced to our community.
For example, I participated on the site only just a little until I started hanging out on TNB and getting to know the users that make up the site. That's when I became seriously addicted to the site.
It's been discussed before how a lot of problems new users have with the site come not from a lack of rules (in fact, I would almost say we have too many rules!), but from a lack of understanding who PPCG is, and why the people who use it behave the way they do. It's a fantastic place not only to discuss site policy, but also a place to have interesting conversations with people of very different opinions, and to learn a lot of very interesting things. Hell, I've learned more about linguistics from TNB then from anywhere else in my whole life!
So I think we have an incredible oppurtunity in our hands and we need to make sure we keep this the best possible room it can be. If a single user can completely disrupt a room for several days, something is wrong.
I think our room is unusual just because of the sheer amount of messages we regularly get, and it's easy to take that for granted. Out of curiosity, I decided to compare the amount of activity we have compared to other chat rooms on the network, and the results are crazy. Keep in mind, these rooms also have unusually high amounts of activity.
Now compare that to our room. Here in The nineteenth byte we have a whopping 12.5k messages a week, and yet we only have 5 room owners, one of which who is no longer active on our site/room.
Now, I'm not saying that just because these other rooms have a lot of room owners we absolutely must have a lot also, but at the same time, we should react appropriately. AFAIK, we are the most active room on the network, and we have less official room owners, not more. If users are regularly complaining and unable to take care of troublemakers, clearly something is wrong.
So here's my proposal: we should find some users who are
active in TNB, preferably at times that existing mods are not
Mature and have earned the approval of the community
And appoint them as room owners. Ideally there should be at least 2-3 such users, but I don't think 5-6 would be innapropriate. (Although the exact number is up for debate)
How we decide on these users is another matter entirely. If it's clear the community agrees with me, we can figure that out later.