Linked Questions

20 votes
2 answers

When is code that requires a REPL acceptable?

Question in brief: For what challenge types and in what circumstances should code that requires a REPL be acceptable in an answer? There seems to be an understanding in chat that code that only works ...
trichoplax is on Codidact now's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Are languages like sed exempt from "no input" rules?

Some types of challenges require submission that produce constant output and, as such, forbid the solutions from taking input of any kind. That presents a problem for languages like sed, which ...
Dennis's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

When submitting a function, can global variables be declared outside the function? [duplicate]

1. When submitting a function, can global variables be declared outside the function? For example, if I have the C code f(n){int a,b,c=4;dosomething;} am I ...
Level River St's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Function-only answers to function-or-program questions should provide a test program

From Default for Code Golf: Program, Function or Snippet?, it is clear that the default for code-golf is to allow program and function answers. For function-only answers, it may be advantageous for ...
Digital Trauma's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Should we start "reviving" older challenges?

Related. Earlier today, AdmBorkBork posted this question on TNB, asking whether or not PPCG was dying. In the following discussion, I have suggested we, as a community, could start "reviving" (for ...
J. Sallé's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Is it legal to submit a function that must exist as a method on an object?

For a challenge, I recently submitted the JavaScript solution [].push To be clear, this isn't x=>[].push. The entry itself ...
apsillers's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

On-topic to ask for help with an pre-existing code golf challenge from another site?

There is a code golf challenge on a foreign (not related to Stack Exchange) site with which I have a problem. The challenge is designed for Python 3 and has a length limit of 150 characters. I ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Definition of a Function in Concatenative Languages

Concatenative languages are languages where juxtaposition of functions represents composition. Programs consist of the primitives in the language combining to form a large function which takes program ...
Esolanging Fruit's user avatar
29 votes
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Community FAQ for Code Golf and Coding Challenges

Community FAQ For the Code Golf and Coding Challenges site For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. General information Welcome to Code Golf and Coding Challenges Stack ...
7 votes
1 answer

If your answer is acts differently depending on context, how safe do you have to be?

This is kind of a follow-up to / re-asking of "Should point-free function expressions be allowed when a function is asked for?" with specific reference to the only language I know how to golf in, j, ...
algorithmshark's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What must a C macro do to be a valid answer?

Recently, an answer of Peter Taylor here says: To get a macro equivalent to f(n){n=n?:1;} you need -Df(n)=((n)?:1) ...
DELETE_ME's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

"No comments" restrictions and stack-based languages / unused strings

Some classes of question are made more interesting by banning comments. For example: Polyglots: example Some source layout questions: example 1, example 2 Others, such as this code-bowling question ...
Peter Taylor's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

When do I have to include things like Java's public static void main

Can someone tell me why sometimes people are including class C{public static void main(String[]a){...}} and sometimes that seems to be not necessary?(https://...
Joba's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Are Defaults for Code Golf implicit?

Recently, I've made some major edits to a couple of challenges, and I sort of instinctively cited the appropriate defaults here on meta, like: Write a program or function to output the sum of ...
cat's user avatar
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0 votes
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Which answer should I give my bounty to?

I started a bounty on this question because I didn't think it could get beaten. The next day it was beaten by Dennis. I was sure this would win, but then it was beaten again. However, I am a bit ...
MD XF's user avatar
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