#Quarantine Zone ---------- Due to a bug in @user12345's code, [the Government's walls][1] weren't properly connected, and water flooded most of the major encampments. Time to try bubbles. **Input** A string containing a colon delimited list. Each item in the list is a pair of integers delimited by a comma. Example: > 1,1;1,2;2,2;3,3 **Challenge** Each pair of integers represents the xy coordinate of a survivor encampment. Given these coordinates, you must place circles such that the following two conditions are met: - Every encampment is located inside of a circle - The sum of the radii of all three circles is minimal The government will then place bubbles of the radius you specify at each of the locations you specify, effectively creating three quarantine zones. **Output** A string containing a colon delimited list of three items. Each item is a comma delimited triple. Each triple contains an x coordinate, followed by a y coordinate, followed by a radius. Example: Given the example output below, the government would set up bubbles at (1,1), (2,2), and (3,3). The first two bubbles would have a radius of 1, and the third would have a radius of 2. > 1,1,1;2,2,1;3,3,2 ---------- [tag:code-golf] [1]: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/23406/18487