
###dpkg-based Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc)

Download the corresponding .deb package from [here](http://mniip.com/misc/conv/golflua/deb/)  
Then `dpkg` it in:

    dpkg -i golflua_1.0-1_amd64.deb

###Other distributions, Windows (mingw), OS X, and a few other platforms

Download the source from [here](http://mniip.com/misc/conv/golflua/golflua-1.0.tar.gz)  
Simply running `make` will list supported platforms and you should pick one of them.

    $ make
    Please do 'make PLATFORM' where PLATFORM is one of these:
       aix ansi bsd freebsd generic linux macosx mingw posix solaris

Windows executable coming soon...