#[tag:trait-validity] **A "trait" is a characteristic or proof that your output/submission must follow.** Example traits include: - Your output must be palindromic - Your submission must be bijective: (there is one output for each input, and vice versa) "Validity" means that **the check for whether a submission is acceptable is completely based on these traits. There should be multiple ways for people to fulfill these traits.** This does *not* include output that is based on random values. For example, "You must output a number from 1 to N with a uniform distribution". This technically allows a variety of answers, but *if there's only 1 output if the RNG was an input into the function*, then the tag doesn't apply. `Trait` isn't really a common word around here. I understand that. However, I don't think we've ever really talked about these things before, so we need a new term.