# Print the ends and middle of your code #

The challenge is simple: Print the last, middle, and first character of your program's source code, in that order.

The middle character is defined as follows, assuming a source length of `n` characters, and 1-indexing:

* If `n` is even, print the `n/2`-th and `n/2 + 1`-th character. (`abcdef --> acdf`)
* If `n` is odd, print `(n-1)/2 + 1`-th character. (`abcde --> ace`)

### Rules
* Given no input, print the first, middle, and last character in your source code, in the form `[end][middle][first]`.
* Output must not contain any trailing whitespace. However, if whitespace is a first, middle, or last character, it must be printed as such.
* Source code must be `n >= 3` characters long. Code must consist of `>= 3` distinct characters.
* This is [tag:code-golf], so shortest solution in characters wins.

### Samples
print('p)(') --> )(p
abcd --> dbca
1 --> # not allowed
abcde --> eca
aaabb --> # not allowed
System.out.print("S;pr"); --> ;prS
this is a test --> s tt
123[newline]45 --> 53[newline]1

Tags: [tag:code-golf][tag:quine]