# Play RPS 25
[RPS 25](https://www.umop.com/rps25.htm) is a version of Rock Paper Scissors which has 25 hand symbols instead of just 3. Here's a chart showing which symbols defeat which:


The challenge here is simple: your program should take in two strings representing the symbols thrown by each of the players, and output which player wins. You can do this in multiple ways:
- Outputting one of three distinct symbols, one indicating the first input wins and one indicating the second input wins, and one if there's a tie
- Outputting one of 25 distinct symbols indicating which hand symbol wins, outputting either one if there's a tie (since there only is a tie if both players play the same symbol)

## Test cases

Player 1 | Player 2 | Winner | Player Winning
Gun | Rock | Gun | 1
Rock | Gun | Gun | 2
Dynamite | Gun | Dynamite | 1
Gun | Dynamite | Dynamite | 2
Nuke | Scissors | Nuke | 1
Paper | Sponge | Sponge | 2
Moon | Paper | Paper | 2
Man | Tree | Man | 1
Gun | Gun | Gun | Neither

Standard loopholes are forbidden. Since this is [tag:code-golf], the shortest code wins.

# Questions
Should I transcribe all of the possible game outcomes to make testing easier? 

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/JXuo9.jpg