# Pythagorean triples given the hypotenuse.

## Definition (from Wikipedia)

**A Pythagorean triple consists of three positive integers a, b, and c, such that a² + b² = c².**

The typical example of a Pythagorean triple is (3,4,5): 3² + 4² = 9 + 16 = 25 which is 5² 

## Task:
Given an integer number `c`, write a program or function that returns the list of pythagorean triples where `c` is the hypotenuse.

The triples do not need to be primitive.

For example: if c=10, the answer will be `[[6,8,10]]`

## Input:
An integer number, the hypotenuse of the possible triples

## Output:
A list of triples, eventually empty. Order is not important, but the list must be duplicate-free ([3,4,5] amd [4,3,5] are the same triple, only one must be listed)

Test cases:

    5    -> [[3,4,5]]
    7    -> []          # Empty
    13   -> [[5,12,13]]
    25   -> [[7,24,25],[15,20,25]]
    65   -> [[16,63,65],[25,60,65],[33,56,65],[39,52,65]]
    1105 -> [[47,1104,1105],[105,1100,1105],[169,1092,1105],[264,1073,1105],[272,1071,1105],[425,1020,1105],[468,1001,1105],[520,975,1105],[561,952,1105],[576,943,1105],[663,884,1105],[700,855,1105],[744,817,1105]]

This is code-golf, shortest entry for each language wins.