2 Spooky 4 Me

In terms of halloween, some things are just too spooky for me... Feel like we need some serious ***doots*** from skeletons to fuel our hallowed weens. So, in the spirit of that end, print the following, exactly as it is shown, if and only if the input ***does not equal "DOOT" (in all caps ONLY)***:

                 .'       '.
                 :)       (:
                 \ (@) (@) /
                  \   A   /
                   )     (
            / ':-(_.-: :-._)-:' \
           / /' (__.-: :-.__) '\ \
          / /  (___.-' '-.___)  \ \
         / /   (___.-'^'-.___)   \ \
        / /    (___.-'='-.___)    \ \
       / /     (____.'='.____)     \ \
      / /       (___.'='.___)       \ \
     (_.:       '---'.=.'---'       :._)
     :||        __  _.=._  __        ||:
     :||       (  '.-.=.-.'  )       ||:
     :||       \    '.=.'    /       ||:
     :||        \    .=.    /        ||:
     :||       .-'.'-._.-'.'-.       ||:
    .:::\      ( ,): O O :(, )      /:::.
    |||| '     / /''--'--''\ \     ' ||||
    ''''      / /           \ \      ''''
             / /             \ \
            / /               \ \
           / /                 \ \
          / /                   \ \
         / /                     \ \
        /.'                       '.\
       (_)'                       '(_)
        \\.                       .//
         \\.                     .//
          \\.                   .//
           \\.                 .//
            \\.               .//
             \\.             .//
              \\.           .//
              ///)         (\\\
            ,///'           '\\\,
           ///'               '\\\
          ""'                   '""


However, if the input ***DOES equal "DOOT"***, in all caps only, print this instead:

                 .'       '.
                 :)       (:
                 \ (@) (@) /
                  \   A   /
                   )     (
                    '._.'          ' ''''    _''|
                     .=.       @=====***===::_  |
             .---._.-.=.-._.---. (( \-@|_) )) `.|
            / ':-(_.-: :-._)-:' \ ]--------'"
           / /' (__.-: :-.__) '\ \   ||:
          / /  (___.-' '-.___)  \ \  ||:
         / /   (___.-'^'-.___)   \ \ ||:
        / /    (___.-'='-.___)    \ \||:
       / /     (____.'='.____)     \ ||:
      / /       (___.'='.___)       \||:
     (_.:       '---'.=.'---'       :._)
     :||        __  _.=._  __       
     :||       (  '.-.=.-.'  )      
     :||       \    '.=.'    /       
     :||        \    .=.    /      
     :||       .-'.'-._.-'.'-.       
    .:::\      ( ,): O O :(, )   
    |||| '     / /''--'--''\ \    
    ''''      / /           \ \
             / /             \ \
            / /               \ \
           / /                 \ \
          / /                   \ \
         / /                     \ \
        /.'                       '.\
       (_)'                       '(_)
        \\.                       .//
         \\.                     .//
          \\.                   .//
           \\.                 .//
            \\.               .//
             \\.             .//
              \\.           .//
              ///)         (\\\
            ,///'           '\\\,
           ///'               '\\\
          ""'                   '""



 - Trailing newlines and spaces are allowed.
 - The design is horizontally symmetric, if you find inconsistencies let me know.


[Doot it up][1], and enjoy!



(Yes, I'm going to make it more official when posting on the actual SE)

  [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypCfdrARoLQ
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/5c0UB.jpg