2 Spooky 4 Me --- In terms of halloween, some things are just too spooky for me... Feel like we need some serious ***doots*** from skeletons to fuel our hallowed weens. So, in the spirit of that end, print the following, exactly as it is shown, if and only if the input ***does not equal "DOOT" (in all caps ONLY)***: _.---._ .' '. :) (: \ (@) (@) / \ A / ) ( \"""""/ '._.' .=. .---._.-.=.-._.---. / ':-(_.-: :-._)-:' \ / /' (__.-: :-.__) '\ \ / / (___.-' '-.___) \ \ / / (___.-'^'-.___) \ \ / / (___.-'='-.___) \ \ / / (____.'='.____) \ \ / / (___.'='.___) \ \ (_.: '---'.=.'---' :._) :|| __ _.=._ __ ||: :|| ( '.-.=.-.' ) ||: :|| \ '.=.' / ||: :|| \ .=. / ||: :|| .-'.'-._.-'.'-. ||: .:::\ ( ,): O O :(, ) /:::. |||| ' / /''--'--''\ \ ' |||| '''' / / \ \ '''' / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ /.' '.\ (_)' '(_) \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// ///) (\\\ ,///' '\\\, ///' '\\\ ""' '"" --- However, if the input ***DOES equal "DOOT"***, in all caps only, print this instead: _.---._ .' '. :) (: \ (@) (@) / \ A / ) ( \"""""/ '._.' ' '''' _''| .=. @=====***===::_ | .---._.-.=.-._.---. (( \-@|_) )) `.| / ':-(_.-: :-._)-:' \ ]--------'" / /' (__.-: :-.__) '\ \ ||: / / (___.-' '-.___) \ \ ||: / / (___.-'^'-.___) \ \ ||: / / (___.-'='-.___) \ \||: / / (____.'='.____) \ ||: / / (___.'='.___) \||: (_.: '---'.=.'---' :._) :|| __ _.=._ __ :|| ( '.-.=.-.' ) :|| \ '.=.' / :|| \ .=. / :|| .-'.'-._.-'.'-. .:::\ ( ,): O O :(, ) |||| ' / /''--'--''\ \ '''' / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ /.' '.\ (_)' '(_) \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// \\. .// ///) (\\\ ,///' '\\\, ///' '\\\ ""' '"" --- #Rules - Trailing newlines and spaces are allowed. - The design is horizontally symmetric, if you find inconsistencies let me know. --- [Doot it up][1], and enjoy! [tag:code-golf][tag:ascii-art][tag:kolmogrov-complexity] --- (Yes, I'm going to make it more official when posting on the actual SE) [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypCfdrARoLQ [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/5c0UB.jpg