## Software and Specs questions for esoteric/golfing languages ------ ### Examples: ### * Where can I find an interpreter for [esoteric language]? * Is there an official specification for [esoteric language]? ### Arguments: ### **For:** Esoteric languages, being esoteric and all, can be hard to find interpreters for. Brainf[][]k and other very common esolangs may be easier, but try googling "interpreter for [Möbius](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Möbius)" and see what you come up with. **For:** [Esolangs.org](http://esolangs.org), the top result for "esoteric programming languages" on Google, is not meant to be a complete manual for languages. It provides an idea of the language, and theoretically provides references to other, more complete websites. However, for instance, the page on [Objective LOLCODE](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Objective_LOLCODE) provides no references to external specifications. **Against:** Has nothing to do with programming puzzles or code golf, only esoteric languages which by themselves are off-topic. **Against**: The use cases for these questions would be very few as most people golf with more common esolangs.