Should we allow people to nominate their own language for Language of the Month?
The intention of the language of the month was to generate interest in obscure languages made by ppcg users
Whereas, many of us are the inventors of said interesting languages, and would like ...
The meta FAQ bloat
Get rid of almost all of them
We have experienced time and time again that keeping the rules up to date is very hard. No one wants to update old meta posts.
Updating the FAQ posts is often hard/...
Should we allow people to nominate their own language for Language of the Month?
Also Yes:
Nothing wrong with the other answer, but I would like to propose an alternate change rather than no change.
I think self-nomination is valid and well within the spirit of the event. The goal ...
Users with 1 rep aren't able to post answers on Meta
This has been fixed!
(Yes, this is a sockpuppet account created by caird coinheringaahing, I forgot the password to the previous one I made)
Users with 1 rep aren't able to post answers on Meta
There appears to be more than one issue here. While I've fixed this part, something is still preventing low-rep users from posting both here and on Worldbuilding. I'll see if we can get that figured ...
What should be the process for updating an established consensus?
Make a new question
Posting a new question is perfectly acceptable provided you can justify that it is worth opening up the discussion again. Then, by closing the old discussion as a dupe of the new ...
Community wiki
Should PPCG have an official, objective, list of rules?
This is impossible
While I think your desire for an easy, definitive list of rules is understandable, this seems impossible to me. Some reasons why:
Rules change frequently
new languages / new ...
Should we stop accepting answers on meta?
Accepting an answer is a way for the person who asked to question to publicly signal "This is the answer which I found most helpful". Nothing more, nothing less.
So with respect to
an accepted ...
Do you gain reputation from upvotes from the meta site
I've upvoted your question for you to verify this.
From the What is "meta"? How does it work? page:
Votes on meta do not affect your reputation; your meta reputation is the same as your ...
Did decreasing the amount of rep required for meta cause spam?
Yes, all of it
Stack Exchange Data Explorer lists all spam or offensive flags ("red" flags) in its Votes table. When messing around with this query listing all votes on the site, I noticed ...
The meta FAQ bloat
mousetail's answer has (more or less) been put into effect
There are now 9 questions on the site tagged with faq: the FAQ post itself, the 7 posts in mousetail's minimal FAQ proposal and the Sandbox ...
What is a meta consensus?
Consensus simply means "general agreement." There is no specific quantity of upvotes or downvotes that you can use to measure it, because if we change our minds later, the vote count will no longer ...
Should we have a "Welcome to PPCG" new user post?
Make this post featured.
Perhaps, this welcome page could take the form of the Frozen list of community consensus. Then, we could unfeature the sandbox, and have this post serve as a signpost to the ...
Footer text is hard to read on meta
Edit: this appears to no longer be an issue; the footer is now readable. If any other issues appear with the footer, please raise it as a separate bug-report.
I can confirm, this is an issue for me ...
The meta FAQ bloat
Regarding faq-proposed
I suggest making these two posts faq,
Where to find an online testing environment for specific programming languages?
Let's think of a creative name for our chatroom
while ...
Should we upvote/accept unclear answer on meta?
If a meta answer is unclear or ambiguous, I'd comment to say so.
If a meta answer makes the case for both sides of an argument, demonstrating that the decision is not clear cut and should be ...
Why does Community have an answer here?
This answer was dissociated from the original owner and assigned to Community. Dissociation completely assigns the new assignee (in this case, Community) as the owner of the post, so they will also ...
Does a downvote to a view on meta mean disagreement?
On feature-request answers, yes
Quoting the Help Center:
Voting is different on meta. Like normal Stack Exchange sites, Meta
allows members to vote on questions and answers. For most posts, votes
Closing as Duplicate on Meta
Post an answer explaining that this has already been addressed
When an opinion or discussion-starter of yours is closed as a dupe, it feels strange to be told that your viewpoint is a redundant with ...
Should we have a "Welcome to PPCG" new user post?
This now exists:
Welcome to Code Golf and Coding Challenges Stack Exchange!
It is tagged with support and faq, and is now linked in our info box
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
meta × 32discussion × 18
status-completed × 7
bug × 6
support × 5
feature-request × 3
policy × 2
new-users × 2
voting × 2
editing × 2
moderation × 2
reputation × 2
code-golf × 1
tags × 1
status-declined × 1
sandbox × 1
duplicates × 1
language-of-the-month × 1
status-bydesign × 1
bounty × 1
new-genre × 1
reviewing × 1
stack-snippets × 1
tag-synonyms × 1
site-health × 1