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33 votes

Case Sensitive Strings

Unless specified otherwise, strings are case-sensitive. More generally, unless specified otherwise, strings are just sequences of characters with no semantics attached to any specific characters. ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
22 votes

Do we need the [lyrics] tag?

NO Let's delete the tag once and for all First of all, as stated in the question: Challenges involving printing lyrics often all use the same, uninteresting tactics. Having the lyric tag suggests we ...
user41805's user avatar
  • 13.2k
22 votes

Text art or ASCII art? Which tag should we have?

Adding emphasis to the quote from the tag wiki: This challenge involves creating or parsing pictures using text characters as the paint. Typically this uses only 95 printable (from a total of 128) ...
Peter Taylor's user avatar
  • 43.1k
22 votes

Can we remove the semicolon-# tag?

Burninate it As the author of ;# and the original challenge, I kind of feel obligated to weigh in here. The semicolon-# tag doesn't really add anything to the site,...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
20 votes

New Tag Proposal: Self-Referential

👍 self-referential would be strictly weaker than quine. quine should only be used for tasks involving the actual manipulation of the program's source, which is not required for the challenges linked....
Esolanging Fruit's user avatar
20 votes

Equivalence between strictly increasing integer sequences and decision problems

This isn't a good default I wouldn't expect or want for my sequence challenges to allow membership-oracle solution by default just because the sequence is increasing. While sequence allows various ...
xnor's user avatar
  • 146k
18 votes

Does codegolf involve only code size?

There are two different usages of "code golf" here: The tag code-golf is applied to challenges which involve competing to produce the shortest valid source code. More details and a list of challenges ...
trichoplax is on Codidact now's user avatar
17 votes

Can we change [array-manipulation] to [array]?

Yes, for the reasons explained in the question I've posted this answer so we can vote on it.
17 votes

Do [tips] questions need an objective winning criterion?

No Or more to the point, how? Frankly, I'm on the fence about the linked question. However, whatever's wrong with it isn't that it lacks an objective winning criterion, because every tips question ...
Unrelated String's user avatar
16 votes

Tag for challenges with stateful solutions

Let's create a [stateful] tag I propose a stateful tag which should be generic enough that it isn't limited to self-modification but should encompass the general idea that running the program ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
16 votes

Do we need an "I f the sourcecode, you f the input" tag?

Yes It makes sense to have a tag for this kind of challenge, since there are so many of them, they share a common challenge aspect, and the aspect is unique from other kinds of source-layout ...
noodle person's user avatar
15 votes

Is Kolmogorov-Complexity only for constant output?

The kolmogorov-complexity tag was initially applied only to what you might term pure Kolmogorov complexity questions: those which asked for a constant output. Its scope has expanded over time, and I ...
Peter Taylor's user avatar
  • 43.1k
15 votes

Can we remove the semicolon-# tag?

Lets remove some other language tags too I have noticed a large number of language based tags that are only attached to one or two questions. Particularly a large number of tags only attached to a ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 99.6k
15 votes

Matrix vs. Linear Algebra

Keep them separate A good number of the matrix challenges are about grids of numbers that do not represent any linear transformation. Conversely, the five linear-algebra challenges you note do not ...
xnor's user avatar
  • 146k
14 votes

Tag proposal: [self-scoring]

Let's make both self-scoring and self-validating self-scoring as a scoring criterion tag The description of self-scoring as proposed is IMO well-defined enough to be a scoring criterion tag on its own,...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.2k
14 votes

What should we do with ast-golf?

Merge it into atomic-code-golf Do we really need code-challenge ast-golf for this? Isn't this just a specific form of atomic-code-golf? - Martin Ender The reason I did it this way is because the tag ...
DLosc's user avatar
  • 38.9k
14 votes

We should reverse [reverse-engineering]

Agreed, delete reverse-engineering I think you make a solid case that the tag is currently not worth keeping: it is on a small number of questions, some of which are closed; the tag wiki info provides ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
12 votes

What questions should be tagged [chess]?

Both derivatives and cousins of chess should be included It makes sense for other games that are closely related to chess to be included in the chess tag. I propose the following wording for the ...
DLosc's user avatar
  • 38.9k
12 votes

Should we make a 2048 tag?

Make 2048 an explicit synonym of sliding-puzzle, retag challenges that need sliding-puzzle I think it's clear that sliding-puzzle fully covers 2048, as all challenges about 2048 are applicable to ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
11 votes

Can we have a separate tag for combinatory logic?

Yes I think this would be a useful thing to have. As outlined in the question, this isn't fully covered by lambda-calculus, and is to functional-programming what calculus (for example) is to math. ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
11 votes

How To Filter Out Code-Golf tagged questions

Searching for posts without code golf You can search for -[code-golf] to find all questions that do not have the code-golf tag. Ignoring code-golf questions always ...
mousetail's user avatar
  • 13k
11 votes

The meta FAQ bloat

Get rid of almost all of them We have experienced time and time again that keeping the rules up to date is very hard. No one wants to update old meta posts. Updating the FAQ posts is often hard/...
mousetail's user avatar
  • 13k
10 votes

Should we remove [transcendental-numbers]?

We should burninate it, replacing it with a broader [approximation]. Edit: This tag has been created. Questions on this last have been retagged. Other questions that find into this category can be ...
FlipTack's user avatar
  • 14.7k
10 votes

What to do with the [average] tag?

Synonymize with statistics According to Wikipedia, an average is "a single number taken as representative of a non-empty list of numbers". Limiting the scope of average to "arithmetic ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.2k
10 votes

Winning criterion tag request: [minimum-distinct-chars]

Looking at the minimum distinct character challenges linked it does seem like while there are a couple it's not a very well liked scoring criterion on it's own. "Do X but with minimum characters&...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 99.6k
10 votes

Do [tips] questions need an objective winning criterion?

No, but ... tips is the Q&A portion of our site. The point of tips (at least as I view it) is to provide assistance with ppcg-style challenges (mostly code-golf). I think in order for it to be on ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
  • 99.6k
9 votes

A homework-question tag to weed out questions

No A homework tag would most definitely not weed out off-topic questions. Instead it would look like evidence that homework questions are on-topic. Clearly my homework question is on-topic. There's ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.4k

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