No, but ...
tips is the Q&A portion of our site. The point of tips (at least as I view it) is to provide assistance with ppcg-style challenges (mostly code-golf).
I think in order for it to be on topic for our site it needs to be clearly related to a question on the site, or a question that could be on our site. This is a bit subjective, but that's fine. It allows for human judgement. An objective scoring criterion is neither a necessary nor sufficient component of a tips question.
This allows potentially for tips that don't have an objective scoring criterion. For example if you are struggling to even meet the validity criterion of a challenge (e.g. restricted-source) you can ask for help with that and do the golfing yourself later. I think that makes perfect sense for an on topic question. In fact the tips for restricted source type questions are already like this and people seem ok with that.
However the tips question linked, I don't think is on topic. It is asking about making a polyglot, which is like a ppcg question, but the asker already has a valid polyglot and just wants to make it "neater". This isn't really what PPCG is about, in fact if we are about anything we are about making code less neat. It's hard to think of a PPCG question where this would be helpful so it's not on topic.
In summary: A tips question does not need an objective scoring criterion to be on topic, but the linked question is still not on topic.