It might be interesting if we had a community blog for our site.
Maybe we could blog about specific exemplary posts here, or about golfing in general, or about exploring some things about our site (like the recent code-trolling invasion), or about current events related to golfing or our site, or about programming challenges, or about any number of things.
But if we want this, we'll have to organize it ourselves, since it's a community blog!
The post linked above has a four-step process to create a blog. The first step is to raise the idea on the meta site, which I am doing now. The blog will only work if the community wants a blog. From the same post:
A community blog needs the involvement of community members. These blogs don’t exist to be the personal blog of a community member. They are both for and run by the community. It needs to be something the community collectively wants and will cultivate.
So, what do you think? Do we want a blog? Would it help out our site?
Idea of getting a blog stolen from your local Stack Exchange nemesis, Code Review ;)