It was pointed out on chat- and I agree- that scoring Golfical programs as 1 byte per pixel (as has been done with other graphical languages) would probably not be entirely fair.
Therefore, let's discuss how to do it. Here are some possibilities:
1 byte for each pixel
3 bytes for each pixel
3 bytes for each non-white pixel (1)
19 bits for each pixel (2)
1 byte for each pixel, excluding red values 00-09, which are 2 bytes each (3)
1 byte for each pixel, excluding red values 00-09, which are 3 bytes each (3) (4)
1 byte for each non-white pixel, excluding red values 00-09, which are 3 bytes each (1) (3)
Other (5)
(1) White is a no-op
(2) Based on the approximate number of colors that actually do something at present
(3)The reason red values 00-09 are singled out for these is that they can encode a 16-bit integer argument in their blue and green values, and therefore all blue/green combinations for those red values are functional as opposed to just a very small subset (less than 1/1000)
(4) I personally think this is the most reasonable
(5) Please specify.