Looking for a remote job. (Updated on March 20th 2022)
Indian guy, who loves programming 🖥️. There is absolutely nothing that I cant do when it comes to tech. I'm not an expert on any single language/framework/topic, I am more like the swiss army knife of programmers, my broad skill set is what makes me a super valuable asset to any company. I think of myself more as an inventor rather than just a software guy 💡.
On a more personal note, I am a super polite guy and an avid thinker. I try to live my life by egalitarian principles ☮️ When I am not at work, I am probably working on some of my open-source projects, coding up my Screeps bot, or chilling with my friends on Discord 🍻🎮. I love survival and colony-building games, such as Rust, Forest, Raft, Rimworld, Screeps, etc My true interest lies in inventing new things, whether it's just software, hardware, or a combination of both. I would love to work with highly creative and open-minded people 🧠. If I believe in something I always give it my 100% effort 💯.
Link to Resume : https://resume.creddle.io/resume/d87rfbbm6cq
AutobiographerSep 24, 2014
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