As of recently, we've lost 3 of our 4 moderators. This means we only have 1 moderator left. Also, several people are expressing their concerns that things are dying around here.
With the recent mess over on SE, the growing inactivity of past regulars, and a presumable lack of people wanting to become mods, I'd say we're in quite a pickle here.
So what's next? Axtell? Because if that's the case, we'll be stuck in limbo for a while yet. We clearly won't be gaining new mods anytime soon and other sites just don't have the same community feel as CGCC does. Plus, we've worked so hard on getting this site where it is today.
I don't want to see this site die, so plausible options and suggestions would be appreciated. More concisely: do we stick with what we have? Or is it finally time that we jump ship and look further ashore?
If we are to stay, then I have a few more questions:
What are we going to do about getting new mods? I mean, I don't know how much @Doorknob can handle on their own.
Will the best of CGCC 2019 still continue?
What happens if more people leave?
If we are to go:
How long would building a new community take? I mean in terms of site reputation, community feel, resources, and getting it to the point where it is feels like CGCC.
What happens to CGCC?