We have decided to do the CGCC Langjam event! This will be a two-week competition in which participants must create a golfing language in a specific paradigm and use it to solve a series of code golf challenges. This meta post will be used for figuring out the details of the event.
Timing and Event Flow
The event will be two weeks long, and probably start next week if all goes according to plan (September 11th, 2022). We're not sure if the event should occur once a year or twice a year yet. After the competition has ended, participants will post an answer to another meta question with information about their languages. Then, the three observerdesignermoderators will select a number of challenges from CGCC for the languages to compete in. The language with the lowest total byte count wins! (There will probably also be other prizes for, say, "most unique idea".)
What are the prizes?
Rep bounties and bragging rights.
How do I compete?
Anyone can compete in the Langjam! Just make your language according to the rules, and submit it by answering the relevant meta post at the end of the two weeks.
Currently, there are three rules:
- Work on the language cannot start before the beginning of the competition
- The language's interpreter or compiler must be available online, preferably on GitHub or a Gist
- Languages must not be trivial derivatives of existing languages
To propose a new rule, simply answer this question.
Currently, there is no selected paradigm for languages to be made in. If you would like to propose a paradigm, answer this question. The paradigm with the most votes will be selected.
This event will be presided over by myself (Ginger), lyxal, and emanresu A. If you have any questions, simply ping any of us in the dedicated chatroom. If you would like to propose a new rule, paradigm, or change to the event, post an answer to this question.