A few days ago, a post called The puzzle masters behind Facebook's Hacker Cup explain how they craft questions appeared on the Stack Overflow blog and is currently promoted on the sidebar of related Stack Exchange sites. The last sentence of the post says: "Last but not least, if you feel like some puzzling this morning, don’t forget to check out the question the Hacker Cup team shared on Code Golf" (link not in the original post, for some reason).
The CGCC site description says the site is for "recreational programming competitions," the new site name discussion explicitly rejected proposals to change the site name to just Code Golf, and the on-topic page doesn't say anything about puzzles being restricted to code golf. But some of the comments on the Hacker Cup question make me wonder if it would be more accurate to just describe CGCC as a code golf site:
One comment claims that "golfing IO [should be] uninteresting," and says parts of the question "mismatch the cultures of competitive programming" (as compared to, presumably, the culture of CGCC).
Another says that while "avoidances of overly large numbers" is "typical on many other competitive programming sites, it's not really part of the culture here."
A third comment says, "When I read challenges here that sound like they are from programming contests, I start worrying that they are attempts at cheating or plagiarism" and "I think less puzzley programming-contest style challenges that are about implementing code work better here."
All this for a submission that, while it started its life as an unused Hacker Cup question, was written specifically for CGCC as a code golf question.
After some edits, the question has been well-received and has gotten upvotes and answers. But, like 91% of non-closed questions [on this site] since 2017, it's still a code golf question. If the author had left it as a traditional Hacker Cup-style question, would it have been welcome on CGCC? Is CGCC the place on the SE network where competitive programming questions belong, despite the cultural differences between the two communities?