Over on Puzzling.SE, the community there has been discussing various ways to reward puzzle authors for creating exemplary puzzles. Given that we're like Puzzling.SE in that we're not a Q&A site, and that we've discussed increasing reputation gain/loss for challenge upvotes and downvotes, it seems fitting that some of the ideas discussed over at Puzzling.SE might also work well for our site.
The Problem
Creating a good challenge is much harder than writing a solution to a challenge. Challenges often spend several days or longer in the Sandbox, where authors receive feedback to smooth out rough edges and ensure that their challenges are as high-quality as possible. In spite of this, challenges are treated the same as questions on any other Q&A site on the network: 5 reputation added per upvote, 2 reputation subtracted per downvote, and no system to reward awesome challenges. Good solutions are rewarded much more (double the rep, with the possibility for bounties), which gives the appearance that we value solutions more than challenges (which is very false - a good challenge is just as valuable as a good solution, if not more so).
What changes could be made to reward users who create exemplary challenges (other than doubling the reputation gain/loss from votes, which is the subject of an existing feature request)?